My weightloss journey (WLJ) and other musings, links and RANTS!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Wow! I got my invitation last Tuesday. I put my name on the waiting list on November 6th. Twenty-two days didn't seem too bad after hearing tales of 2 to 3 months.

I spent 2 hours cataloging my yarn today and have only scratched the surface. I can only do that on the weekends. During the week I will add books, WIPs, and projects to the queue.

I started the "Friends of Knit 'n Knibble" group/forum on Ravelry. This is a group for my LYS and all the people who work, shop, learn and knit there.

Ravelry will help me to organize my yarn, books, patterns and projects (current and future).

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