My weightloss journey (WLJ) and other musings, links and RANTS!

Monday, December 31, 2007

WooHoo! I had to edit my wishlist today.

I got my MP3 player today. I chose the Creative Labs Zen 4GB because it is small and extendable through the use of SD cards. The sound quality is great and the Zen is easy to use.

Bob and I are spending a quiet evening at home for this New Year's Eve. I am knitting and surfing the web.

I added the badge and banner (with Caroline's blessing, she sent me the logo) for the Friends of Knit 'n Knibble group on Ravelry. Now we are just as fancy as the other ones. Thanks, Caroline.

Bob and I are spending a quiet eveing at home for this New Year's Eve. I am just knitting and surfing the web.

Well, that is all for this year, see ya next year......


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